Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mar. 8, 2006

Fun With Fundies!!!
I received these links from the EBG.

All are real places.

The Creation Museum


From their website:

"The Creation Museum is an outreach of Answers in Genesis, a non-profit ministry located near the Cincinnati International Airport, in northern Kentucky, USA. This 50,000 square foot facility will proclaim to the world that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice and in every area it touches on. Scheduled to open in 2007, this “walk through history” museum will be a wonderful alternative to the evolutionary natural history museums that are turning countless minds against the gospel of Christ and the authority of the Scripture."

These are my favorite questions from the Q&A section:

1. Why is this museum needed?

Our increasingly anti-Christian country must return to a belief in the authority of the Bible and be presented with the life-changing gospel message. Evolutionary indoctrination has undermined the Christian foundations in America.

(Anti-Christian? Are they serious?)

2. What is so different about this museum?

Almost all natural-history museums proclaim an evolutionary, humanistiworld viewew. For example, they will typically place dinosaurs on an evolutionary timeline millions of years before man. AiGÂ’s museum will proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and will show that there is a Creator, and that this Creator is Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-20), who is our Savior.

(It's great and all to 'proclaim' accuracy, but there is, or always should be, a little something I like to call the burden of proof. In addition, I could have sworn the creator was God, and his son was Jesus Christ, who is our savior. Two different entities....)

3. What kind of exhibits will I find in it?

The 50,000-square-foot museum will be filled with life-sized dinosaur models, fossil and mineral collections, waterfalls, live exhibits (poison dart frogs, fish, turtles, bugs and more) and many other first-class exhibits that will proclaim the authority of the Bible from its very first verse.

(I wonder how they fit dinosaurs into the scheme of things. I don't wonder enough to actually go there, but I will admit I am curious.)

Creation Evidence Museum

This mostly speaks for itself. I am sure I'd be breaking some law to copy and paste the picture of the 'foot print' in stone, so please do go to this site. I am awed people believe this crap!

Dinosaur Adventure Land

When a place's tag line is "The Place Where Dinosaurs and The Bible Meet!", how can you not be laughing already?!To me, the highlights of this site are the pictures of the "fossilized dog in a tree", and the section on how long it really takes things to fossilize. Again, I cannot believe people think this shit is true.

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