Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just...I don't know....

I get home and Cheraya is running around like a mad woman with her little friend Lexi. My neighbor called me earlier and made up some bull about what the kids were (not actually) doing and that they didn't seem to be supervised (they were). The busybody neighbor is irritating anyway, but to then call and say something that's not even happening when I'm at work and there's not a damn thing I can do about it is just too much.

Anyway, she's running around like crazy. They've been running in and out of my apartment all afternoon, and it was messy before, but its totally fucked up, so now I get to go spend the next few hours cleaning up a giant fucking mess. So that's perfect.

I am trying not to be totally annoyed, because both of these things, as well as the rest of the irritating things earlier in the day, are just stupid little things that are now all adding up to be really just too much after a day already filled with asinine rich people.

And we all know how Amanda feels about asinine rich people.

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