Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Talk about a shitty fucking day....

I wake up late.

Get the girl to school late.

Work is stupid.

Now I'm having daycare issues.

I get home and feel just rotten so I lie down for 20 minutes.

Mom calls and rouses me back to the world of the living, only to get in a heated discussion with me about what she wants me to do as opposed to what I'm doing.

She tells me I am selfish for sharing my problems. Not asking for help, just telling.

She tells me I'm lazy and selling out because I'm not doing professionally what she thinks I should do.

She tells me she worries what people will think about the kind of mother she is because of me.

She tells me my laziness makes her ill.

She tells me I need to just suck it up and jump in the rat race or I'll always be a failure.....

That I have a daughter to raise and can't do that properly if I'm a failure....

I tell her there's nothing more to say.

She tells me she loves me and doesn't want me to be mad at her.

I tell her I'm not.

I tell her I need to go, I have dinner plans and need to go to the store.

She tells me she loves me again.

I don't know if I believe her.

I think she killed a little part of me today.

And you know....

That's never good.

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