Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tax breaks for breastfeeding...?

So as everyone knows, I get a lot of time to think about random things when I am at work. I was thinking about taxes and universal health care today, and realized that if the US does institute any kind of universal health care system, we should give incentives for new mothers who choose to breastfeed their infants. Statistically speaking, infants who are breastfed require less medical care, as well as the mothers who nurse them. A plan like this has the potential to improve the health of America's future, which will mean less money spent on health care, and more money for things like public schools and alternative energy sources. If we just combine tax breaks with a public health campaign to promote the benefits of breastfeeding as well as better laws to protect mothers from indecency accusations, that will be a step in the right direction.



Judy said...

Well ...

In theory, I totally agree with you. In practice, how do you define what is sometimes a very fine line between someone who was truly medically unable to breastfeed, someone who tried and failed, someone who had it sabotaged by others (with my daughter, 12 years ago, I was given completely incorrect advice by my doctors, and didn't know there was anywhere else to turn for help), and someone who just didn't want to breastfeed?

I guess tax breaks might still work, because you could argue that it doesn't hurt the formula feeding mom, just helps the mom that breastfeeds. I doubt it would fly, though.

This is along the lines of the way obesity is a disease, and there are tax breaks for "treating" it. Why shouldn't there be tax breaks for those of us who have gym memberships (and use them, at least sometimes), eat healthy food, and maintain a healthy weight?

I agree with your idea though.

And while we're on the subject (almost) - are you Team Obama, Team Hillary, or ?

Just curious.

Amanda said...

Team Obama!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were for Hillary?

Anyway, I think the tax break idea is a slippery slope. Like Judy said, the obesity tax break is the same.

Why not a tax break for a boob job or a penile implant if it's going to prevent future psychological counseling because of self-esteem issues?

Why not a tax break for a vaginal birth because it prevents the medical expenses of a c/s?

It could get way out of hand...

Amanda said...

I think you make a really good point Koz. I have no idea how we would track what was really going on, and where IS the line drawn?