Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Its in the mail

We've all said this at one time or another, right? I know I have. It usually goes something like this:

"Is Mr/Mrs. X in?"
"This is s/he."
"Hi, my name is blahblahblah and I'm calling from Comcast. It looks like your bill is past due."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, I mailed off a payment a few days ago, so it should be to you now."
"Would you like to make a payment over the phone?"
"Not today. Really, its in the mail."

Now, when its a huge corporation we're talking about, and your measly $56.32 isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference, bill collectors don't really seem to care much.

Let me tell you though, when its my child support for July, and I am still responsible for nearly $600 in day care bills alone, I don't want to hear that bullshit line from my daughter's bio-idiot!

Ugh, it just fries me. He is a waste of fucking oxygen.

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