Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A little about us....

My name is Amanda, I'm 24, and I am a single mother. My daughter's name is Cheraya and she's 4 (5 in September). We live in Spokane, WA. No, that is NOT near Seattle. I work as an admin. and Cheraya goes to preschool every day while I am at work. She generally really enjoys herself and her little friends.

For a bit of background, I had my daughter when I was 19. Her father became an abusive drug addict, and I took Cheraya and left when she was 3 months old. We've been on our own ever since. Her DNA donor isn't really involved. His mommy usually pays his child support (since he has no job and she pays all his other bills), and he is allowed to call Cheraya once a week. The last time he had a visitation was April 1st, 2004.

We are totally happy with out little family, which also includes an orange tabby cat and uncountable amounts of dolls and barbies(I am sure every parent of a girl can empathize).

So this is my blog on our lives, politics, shopping, and whatever else I feel the need to talk about.


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